Final Event SHIFT 2019.jpg

Contact Office
Text 412-307-7780 or email

Shift 2019

Come with great expectation for a mighty move of God. This event is being held at a night club & event center that was previously a church. Our gathering is symbolic and prophetic. It declares that NOW is the time for UNCOMMON restoration, reformation, miracles, signs and wonders! We have the promise that when we gather in the name of Jesus, our Christ, He will be in our midst. This is the move, this is the time. A powerful SHIFT is taking place.  Behold I do a new thing - will you not see it!?!

Cost: $77

Meal: Light breakfast, full 3-course lunch and all day refreshments

Event Parking:
FREE - at Cefalos and across the street at Plus Consulting and United Methodist. You will get your private parking pass after you complete registration. Be sure to display it in your car.

Hotel Information:
Name: Hampton Inn –Settlers Ridge - (412) 788-4440
Booking Link:
Event Hotel Rate: Surrendered Clay Group - $95/night
Hotel Transportation:
FREE Shuttle - To & From Airport (call hotel to make arrangements)
1 FREE Shuttle - To & From Event (6/1/19 9am depart and 5:30pm return)